Sunday, March 24, 2013

Springtime is Gardentime????!!

I have a little saying that I say about this time each year and then I laugh at my own hilariousness and then I cry because it's really not so funny afterall.  Here it is:

"Like clockwork, the Graham woman (me) works in the garden once a year".   Why I laugh is because when I say ONCE a year I mean it. 

I have such good intentions of being an ace gardener.  At the first hint of spring I start surfing the net for ideas of what might survive in my yard.  I make a list and settle down to daydream of my secret garden, hoping that maybe this will be the year it actually happens.

Then, sometimes weeks later when I see green buds peeking up out of the soil, I finish breakfast, get into my "gardening clothes" and "gardening shoes" (hey..any excuse to buy shoes).  Then I retrieve my tools from the cobwebby shed.  Then I check for spiders inside my "gardening gloves" before sticking my hands inside.  It always amazes me that I don't find spiders in there because I think it would be an extra cozy spot to set up a spider house.

So then I get a bucket and start going through the terrible mass that I call a "garden".  I yank out tons of crispy gray lavender and other deadness.  I clip back old growth to make room for new growth.  I gouge out some dandelions and other weeds that are just beginning to rear their succulent greenery.

Then I stop for a drink of water and a rest before realizing I've only been at it for 10 minutes. 

Today I told myself that maybe if I could just beautify one spot...then it will motivate me into doing another spot and another and then before I know it I'll have a beautiful oasis to relax in.  I seriously thought about it for a few minutes.  But then I put away my tools, left my muddy shoes by the door, grabbed a gardening magazine and sat back to enjoy pictures of someone else's oasis.

I have a friend who has a lovely garden and we are always talking about gardening.  She has actually never seen my garden and I plan to keep it that way.  She often gives me seeds and cuttings to plant.  Unfortunately none of these have ever actually made it to my garden.  They make it to the trunk of my car and then into the green waste can when (and if) I remember them.  In fact there could be some in there right now.  I better go check. 

This looks nothing like my garden...

1 comment:

Pam said...

Love this, Christine! Your idealism I can relate to. I always think your garden area looks lovely, though. Of course, mine being piled high with snow at the's easy to procrastinate :)