Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mr Bean Could Do Better....

I don't like to start new things in January because it seems so "new years resolutionish".  And then I feel sheepish if I fail.  Here's an example of why:  a friend who goes to the gym year round told me that she became hysterical when she passed by the fitness class on January 7th.  The room was packed full of perky young women wearing lululemon head bands and matching athletic gear. My friend wanted to place bets as to how many would drop out by the end of February.  I thought that was a little mean spirited but I understood what she was saying.  And in the past, I would have been one of those drop outs, minus the lululemon gear.

Anyway...I started going to a fitness class.  It's called "Lite Combo" (in otherwords:  It Won't Kill You).

I got there early so I could get a spot in the back row.  No such luck.  I think you have to camp out overnight to get the back row.  My first thought after taking my front row center space (almost nose to nose with the instructor) was, do we really need that huge mirror there?  I don't even like seeing myself from the neck up so why would I want a full body shot of myself surrounded by younger fitter people?

It started out not too bad.  Little steps and arm flings to Abba's Dancing Queen.  Fun.  Then it got a bit more complicated; the grapevine step which I am quite capable of. 

But then it got ugly.  Suddenly the instructor yelled out something I didn't quite get and everyone started doing complicated moves on and off the steppers. Arm movements and cross over steps that required a large amount of coordination.

I almost caught on to what they were doing when suddenly she yelled out another drill sargeant command and everyone (except me) flowed gracefully into another routine that involved spins, hops and not falling down.

I tried to ignore the mega mirror but that was close to impossible and I saw myself as a female Mr. Bean trying to look like I knew what I was doing. I wanted to grab my water bottle and run out the door but I persevered. 

Forty-five minutes later I found myself feeling thankful to be lying on the mat.  The cooldown exercises were very easy.....and relaxing.  The only problem was that I didn't know if I would be able to get up.

While I lay there pondering, I realized I am nothing like Mr. Bean.  He would have done better.

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