Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's a Sad Day (a poem about giving up)

My "fat pants" are no longer loose
They are snug and might be considered "comfortable"
if only their snugness didn't depress me so...
What happened??
I gave up
that's what......
I've thrown out all hope that one day...
yes one day soon...
I will take these pants and toss them into the thrift store bag
as I flit happily here and there
in the skinny pants that have been stashed
in the back of my drawer
for the blubberish, dough-like, jello textured, ugly, bouncy, evil
to disappear................!!!!!!!!!!

For months I have been stuffing myself into said smaller pants
on occasion
only to regret the fact that breathing
is no longer an option
sitting is stupid
standing seems odd but at least I'm not in pain
As of today
I choose life as I once knew it
comfort has taken the place of vanity
skinny pants are on their way to penny pinchers
and fat pants are in their rightful spot
on my body
that has given up on this sad day
in November

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