Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What is it I love about CAMPING?

I love how a little space of land that looks boring at first glance changes into a home. 

A campsite reminds me a bit of a Christmas tree.  It may not look like much on its own, but once you add your personal touch, it takes on a whole new look.  It has your own personality.  It becomes unique, special and you hate to dismantle it when the time comes. 

I look out at the river surrounded by a masterpiece of colour and wildlife and I feel warm inside.  I see the guy next door wearing a T-shirt titled "old guy rules" and I feel content knowing that this is where I can be ME!  This is where I'm allowed to eat junk food and read short meaningless novels and waste time doing nothing much except reflecting on life and its ups and downs.

This is what I love about camping......

1 comment:

Pam said...

I know what you mean! The times I've been camping I'm always amazed how fast the little space feels like home. Can't wait to have some family time around the campfire again soon...of course we have like a foot of snow at the moment...but soon!! :)