Wednesday, October 17, 2012


My heart flutters at the sight of the brilliance.  When I raise my camera I'm afraid to take the photo because I know it won't depict what I am feeling. The reds, golds, yellows seem like lights somehow infused into the rustling leaves.  They sway and brush themselves together creating a sound that will probably be heard in Heaven.  Then they fall whisperingly, swirling and bustling which rhymes with rustling I know, but there is no other word that comes to mind. Forgetting all rules, the joy in my soul just tumbles out and I take a few spins with upraised arms, hoping that no one will see me.  How can anyone say that God doesn't exist!!??

1 comment:

Pam said...

Beautifully written! I wish we had some leaves left here, but they have all blown away.