Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rain Rain....Come Back...

Not too long ago I found myself sitting in the car waiting for my husband to come out of Home Depot.  He ran in to get a boring piece of hardware that only a handyman could get excited about.  I stayed behind with the dog and my book.  I started to read but then my attention was grasped by the wind blowing giant raindrops against the windshield.  I sighed, watching the drops slide down to the bottom of the window and feeling thankful that I was enclosed in the comfort of the car, not having to fight my way through the weather.  I started to watch people walking towards the store entrance and noticed that every person had a slightly different grimace to express their dislike of the rain and chilly wind.  Some tried to remain cheerful while others just let their feelings hang out for all the world to see.  I sympathized with every person that walked past.  "I know how you feel," I said.  "We deserve so much more than this nasty rain.  It's almost July.  Where is summer? My drought resistant plants are drowning and I can't even see the clematis blooms that are so pretty out there somewhere, blowing in the wind...."  I tried to comfort them but they didn't hear me...of course...they just continued their private journies, sloshing through ankle-deep puddles.

Now, a few weeks later, the sweltering heat is making me very cranky.  I don't like the way sweat feels sliding down my forehead and into my eyes.  And I hate how portions of my body stick together in that unappealing manner. The hot air is thick and I can't breathe too quickly or I'll choke on the heat waves......................inhaling burns, and exhaling makes me feel faint........

I know...I really sound like a complainer don't I??  That's because I AM one....

1 comment:

Pam said...

You should share your blog with more people! And take a look at mine...:) you'd be the first! cool hey?