Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My least favourite thing....?

Costco - on a week-end afternoon....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........
What is wrong with me?? I just need 2 things, both of which I could get at the regular store - but no, I chose Costco.  Testy shoppers pushing gigantic carts over the speed limit.  They are all on a mission (much like myself I must admit) sample as many foods as possible and escape with a bill less than $100.........(haha...oxymoron: Costco bill less than $100...)
I'm surrounded on all sides by 5 foot tall teddy bears.  I'm sorry to say that if someone gave my kid a bear that size I would be really choked.  Just what I need....a stuffed animal 40 times the size of my child.  Do they think we all live in mansions with separate toy gymnasiums?!  Oh ya and I also need a 12 pack of Febreze to freshen up my mansion.   Oh - and a case of jalapino-stuffed olives to feed 500.  And while I'm at it a bathtub sized box of Raisin Bran...(haha...I know you can get the same thing at other stores but my imagination is failing because I'm full of potstickers, pickled asparagus, taquitos, strawberry shortcake, lasagne, pizza, yogurt, chili, fruit leather, strange-tasting juice, hikers mix, fried rice, rice pudding, veggie chips, Belgian chocolate.............and I wonder why I seem to gain 5 lbs whenever I go to Costco...)

While standing in line with my 2 items and a few other things I picked up (a ladies mountain bike, a lawn mower, a 6-pack of "tummy trimming" yoga pants, some barbeque tools and a small pool table) I'm reminding myself  that "Safeway" was probably named that for a reason......

(here is a picture of Rod shopping for ice-cream at Safeway.  See how he's smiling and looking pretty relaxed.  I rest my case............)

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