Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tupperware Party...

Today I was going through some old sentimental stuff and I found the following little thing that I wrote in the mid-90's....

Recently I was invited to a Tupperware party by a long-lost buddy who I hadn't heard from since the last time she invited me to a Tupperware party.  My first instinct was to say "No thanks...I'll be washing my hair and trimming my toenails that night..." but suddenly that little voice in  my head screamed, "WAIT A MINUTE!! YOU JUST MIGHT WIN THE COVETED SPATULA!!"

Ah yes, the SPATULA.  I could win the SPATULA!!  For a moment I was tempted, but then common sense broke forth as I quickly recalled my last TW party:

"I won't be able to buy anything because we're on a pretty tight budget right now," I'd told my friend, knowing she would say the inevitable:  "No problem...just come for the visit, the food and the games."

Games?  Yes, I recalled the game from years ago - you know - the one where you put your name on 4 little pieces of paper and whenever your name gets called you get to choose a gift out of a bag containing 20 orange peelers, 17 cookie cutters, 96 clothes hanger thingys, 42 cake decorating tools, 12 fridge magnets, 5 smidgets and ONE SPATULA (which everyone seems to want).  When all the names are gone you get to keep whatever gift you're left with.

Having been to several TW parties in the past and having not once EVER won the SPATULA, I should have known better, but, throwing caution to the wind, I thought "maybe this time no one will even have heard of the SPATULA and maybe I will be the one who actually gets it.  Maybe everyone else will be hoping for a fridge magnet or an orange peeler.  If I just act casual, as if the SPATULA means nothing to me, maybe I will be the one!"

I arrived a bit late.  "Have you played the name game yet?" I asked, trying to act nonchalant while peering anxiously into the livingroom to do a brief head count.  Disappointment stabbed me like a knife.  There must be 40 people here, I thought. Now let me see...4 little slips of paper x chances of winning the SPATULA are about...well my math isn't great but I think my chances of  walking away with the SPATULA are pretty slim...I was right.  I walked away with an orange peeler and a M/C slip for a stack of cupboard organizing items that I couldn't live without.

Older now, and wiser, I replied to my most recent invitation, "Sorry...I'd love to come but I have plans for that night, and besides, I couldn't buy anything because we're on a pretty tight budget right now..."

"No problem.  Just come for the visit, the food and the games."


"This could be your chance to win the coveted SPATULA..."

I arrived a bit late.  "Have you played the name game yet?" I asked, trying to act nonchalant while peering anxiously into the livingroom to do a brief head count....

1 comment:

Pam said...

Ha Ha that's too funny! Like me at a Pampered Chef party.