Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas 2012 is Over....Time for Another Fresh Start...

It usually makes me a bit sad to disrobe the Christmas tree, but that is because usually we have a fake one that gets tucked neatly back into its box to slumber peacefully until next year.  My method is the same each time.  I get out all the boxes for storing the decorations.  I lovingly take down each one and pause as I reflect on where, when and how each one came into my life.  Sometimes I shed a tear or two, especially when I gaze at the cross-eyed reindeer made out of a wooden clothes pin by my son when he was probably in grade 3.  I tried to give it to him when he became a man but when he said, "That piece of junk?  I'll probably just throw it out," I decided it was safer with me.  The snowman hanging from a bell makes me laugh.  For some reason we always refer to it as Quasimodo and when we put it on the tree we say "she gave me watah" and laugh hysterically.

Oops...did I say "we"?  Correction.  I meant to say "I" because I am now the one who decorates the Christmas tree.  Not sure why or when it became my job.  It just happened.  I'm not complaining.  Memories of family times are bittersweet...the bickering while the lights were strung ,the fights over who put the star on last year, the disagreements about positioning the tree (a little to the left...turn it to the right...come on I'm dying down here...etc.)  The joy, the laughter...and then the kids left home and there I was....holding the bag...I mean the box(es of Christmas decorations).  After I get it decorated, I get a comment like this: "Nice job, hun, but shouldn't these be over here more because it looks bare on this side..."  But wait...I'm getting off track.  I was talking about taking it down.......

This year was different.  We got a real tree which had dried up completely by December 20th even though we did what we were supposed to do to keep it moist.  Blowing your nose from across the room caused tree needles to scatter like pebbles in the wind.  Seriously...well almost.  What started out as a lush noble fir ended up resembling a forest fire victim with decorations.  I couldn't wait to get it down.  No loving touches this time.  Nope.  I snatched off every decoration in sight and then it was hacked up and ready to hit the street for the green waste pick up.

And now the space where the Christmas tree stood is back to its old self.  A space where I can sit and reflect on Christmas 2012.   Remembering the laughter, excitement, total chaos and the specialness of having family close.  A little sad that it's over but thankful to the Giver of Gifts for more time.  Time for another fresh start.....

1 comment:

Pam said...

I laughed so hard!! "Forest fire victim" LOL!!
Still have ours to take down. Ahh, memories....