Monday, September 7, 2015

Please Don't.....

A major reason why I’m not vocal about abortion is FEAR.  Does that surprise anyone?  Of course it doesn’t.  I think fear is the biggest obstacle for a lot of people (especially me, which is why I’m writing this on my blog that no one reads…) Fear of ridicule by people who don’t share my opinions.  Yes.  But mainly fear that what I think or say may seem stupid.

I am not a graduate of university.  I did get a certificate of “secretarial/administration” from a community college but I know that, to many, that doesn’t count. 

My opinion on abortion is not based on scientific research or evidence.  It’s based on what I feel in my heart and soul.  I also think it’s based on common sense. 

What breaks my heart is how people believe that a fetus is not a human being.  I can’t understand how even a basically intelligent person could believe that.  It makes sense to me that at the very moment of conception, there is suddenly a human being.  Alive! Growing until it’s mature enough to enter the harsh reality of the world outside its safe, controlled chamber.

My thoughts are that whoever believes a conceived child is not a child is deceiving themselves.  They are justifying their actions; eliminating guilt; freeing themselves from responsibility.  Period.


Please don’t say I wasn’t human
Please don’t think I wasn’t a child
No matter what they tell you – I did exist

I was there within you
A gentle presence
Entrusted to your care

You were my world 

You had a problem
It was me 

Now that I’m gone

You try to push me out of your mind
And yes, the memory of me fades

You try to push me out of your heart
But I’m always there

 You see me in your dreams
You feel my heart beating
So close to yours

My fingers grasping
Trying to hold on 

Please don’t think I wasn’t a child
No matter what they tell you – I did exist


Lori Riggins said...

I read your blog and can understand your feeling FEAR about Abortion. You are entitled to your opinions about Abortion. I too believe that the fetus is a person from the time of conception,,,,,,,but I also believe that the choice for an abortion should be a personal matter, not for the government nor a religous group to set rules or judge a person who does have an abortion. What if a woman was brutally beaten and gang raped scarring her forever emotionally and leaving her pregnant. Should anyone have the right to tell her what to do? I don't know if that is the right or wrong way to think. I would not have an abortion,,,,but I say that because I haven't been the victim of a horrendous assault. If I was,,,,I would want to have the choice.

Rod said...

Please make this public. Put it on Facebook. This should be shared.