Friday, May 8, 2015

Thoughts on Mother's Day...

First thought:  I miss my mom and I cherish many memories of her.  

Second thought:  Mother’s Day is like Valentine’s Day.  If you have no one to celebrate with, it’s a sad time and you could end up feeling like a lonely loser.   

Third thought:  To some, Mother’s Day is a chance to impress their moms with extravagant gifts and gestures (like diamond earrings, spa treatments and trips to the overcrowded  Mother’s Day Brunch Buffets) to make up for the rest of the year when they ignore their moms.   

Fourth thought:  Mother’s Day is a time for cheezy TV commercials.  The one that really annoys me is the KFC commercial.  The family is sitting in a little tent in the living room eating a bucket of fried chicken.  There are no napkins in sight and not a crumb or speck of grease anywhere.  How do they do that?  I think maybe they use Styrofoam chicken.   

Conclusion:  I think I feel a bit cynical about Mother’s Day (ya think???)  That’s why I’m having these thoughts.  But I don’t want anyone to feel obligated or guilt ridden on my account; or swayed by the materialistic ads and emotional blackmail.  I think of the mother I was and the one I could have been.  We all have regrets I suppose.  But mine seem too unique.  This is one of the only times I wish for the ordinary. 

My middle son, Dylan, is direct and transparent and I love that about him. Last year he called me from Alberta to say “Happy Mother’s Day!  I didn’t send a card; in fact I forgot all about Mother’s Day until 2 days ago.  But I love you, Mom!”  Awwwwwwwww!!!

Oh – I’m not so naïve.  I realize there is the strong possibility that this is all a little act, planned carefully.  He may have thought…”Hmm.  I think I’ll do the old ‘didn’t get you a card forgot it was Mother’s Day’ routine and save myself the trouble of going through the racks of schmucky cards and then trying to think of something memorable to write in it before actually getting it in the mail.  Mom will think I’m so cute and honest..haha!!!”

Well…it works for me!    

Seriously now.  My favourite Mother’s Day things are going for family walks (when possible), homemade cards (I have some doozies) and just hearing my sons’ voices and knowing they are doing well because to me, these are truly gifts more precious than diamond earrings.....(*_*) (well!!) 

I bet you can't wait til next month for my thoughts on Father's Day.......bwahaha!!!



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