Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Love Peanut Butter...

...even though it geth kinda thtuck to the roof of my mouf......aw...excuthe me for a minute...sorry...

Oh ya...if I was human I'd have my very own pb stash and I'd have some whenever I felt like it, which would  be often.  So what if I got as fat as a pug...I wouldn't care.

These humans...they always think they know what's best for me and they think they can read my mind. I don't know how many times I've asked for something specific from the store.  I see they are on their way and I look deeply into their eyes and ask for shrimp.  And what happens?  They come home with more of that crunchy chokey kibble.  They say it's good for my teeth.  Well ya, I guess so, eh.  But does it taste good?  How would they like it if they ate the same stuff day in and day out...Oh brother, I think I raved on about the food thing last time.  It's like I have a one-track mind or something.  Sorry.

This morning I was just relaxing on the landing when suddenly out of my peripheral, I saw a sneaky movement and behold!!!  There was a cat in my yard!!!!  I could NOT believe it.  It was casually walking across our patio as if it was entitled to be there.  I went balistic and it just sat there staring at me as if it was challenging me or something.  No fear.  I really had to do a lot of snarling and barking before it even budged, but eventually I scared it off.  Man I'm tellin ya...cats these days..they seem to have no respect.  What happened to the days when dogs had the total right of way?  No questions asked.  Dogs ruled and cats feared us.  When I was in obedience school one of my classmates had a big scar from a cat attack.  He warned us to be careful out there and at the time I thought he was exaggerating...but now....

Hmmm....the sun just came out and I think I might go bask for awhile...right after I have some more peanut butter....I wish.  Life's tough.  Oh boy.  My blankey awaits.........

PS....how do you like my grad photo?  I was at the top of my class and I worked very hard at getting my humans trained.  Unfortunately they still can't read my mind.

Bye for now, Georgia...(the dog?)

1 comment:

Lori Riggins said...

Oh I love Georgia.. maybe she would like to go for a bike ride. She can ride in my basket!