Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Didn't Forget Valentine's Day

I thought about it for days...and my plan was to write a special message for my husband even though he only reads my blog if I force him to.  There is a reason why I have to force him.

During the 80's I wrote a humour column in a small town newspaper (The Mackenzie Times).  I didn't earn much money but I truly enjoyed the challenge of trying to come up with something humourous every week.  I spent hours and hours consuming gallons of coffee and (I hate to admit this) smoking many cigarettes while pounding out (hopefully) humourous anecdotes on my typewriter.  Once I had it pretty much finished  I would re-type it nicely and then get my husband to read it.  He was my laughometer.  Sometimes he would snicker to himself.  Other times he would chuckle quietly.  And best of all, sometimes he would laugh himself sick and pound his fist on the table. If he didn't laugh at all I would get discouraged and force him to read it again and tell me where I went wrong.  Those were trying times for him.  When I think about it now, I guess it was a bit like me asking him once a week if this made me look fat.  He wanted to laugh in all the right places, but sometimes he just had to be honest and tell me it just wasn't all that funny.

I appreciated him then and I appreciate him now even though he gets a little nervous if I mention my blog.

And that's how true love works.  You support each other through laughter and tears; through good times and bad ones. At times honesty is difficult but necessary and if something makes me look fat, I want to know....
gently...with a quiet chuckle......

I guess this is my special Valentine message...............

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